Wednesday, December 17, 2008

13 Dec, Baños

In the morning we woke up and walked across the street to Michael´s host families place. We ate some breakfast with Alysia and Fernando. As always, we had to sit around and talk for a hour after that. Once that was finished, we made our way to the bus terminal to go to Baños.

Michael and Natura are staying up on the cliff in some really fancy time share place that his mother was able to get some how. I am staying in Hostal Chiminea again. It´s great though. One of Natura´s friends from Alaska, Andria, is also in the area as she is traveling as well.

Andria is this great girl from Austin, Texas who happened to be in Alaska becuase of one of her friends. Natara was friends with that person. When Andria came up to Alaska, Natura was introduced to her. This might sound a little boring, but it goes to show, you never know who you will see where.

Andria has been in Baños for a few weeks on and off now. She seems to have surrounded herself with a great bunch of solo traveling women who are also staying at Hostal Chiminea. A great group of women they are. It is so great to meet so many different people. Now, we are all planning on doing this big hike/adventure on the 18th. I think it going to be pretty cool.

Andria, Michael, Natura and I hung out that night. We didn´t do a whole lot, as always, we had a few drinks and chatted. After Michael and Natura walked back up to their place, Andria and the ladies went out.

Andria seems to be quite the partier. I have no problem saying that see can party way more than I can. In fact, I´m not sure I could ever keep up with her and Marina, an Irish woman, if I tried. The 04:00 nights I mostly over for me, I think.

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